Friday 1 March 2013

Welcome Autumn!

Goodbye summer!  Today is the first offical day of autumn in Australia. And by the looks of outside right now, we might be in for another wet weekend.  Haven't seen much of the sun lately but it would be nice if could back come out as it is so wet and has musty smell from so much moisture in the atmosphere.
Guess this weekend will be a good time to stay indoors and work on my Easter cards for the kids to hand out to their teachers on the last week of term one. Easter is only 28 days away!!  Does anyone have Easter plans as yet? We haven't made any concrete plans but the kids will be on school holidays for two weeks after the long weekend of Easter.
How was your week?  What a week I had!  Besides bad news about two friends diagnose we had our own drama happened last night.  Rachel broke a skeleton key in half while trying to unlock the back door from the inside. Once the door became unlocked (from the outside only), we changed the old 40 yo lock to a spare old lock (that still works).  We will buy a new lock or another door this weekend.  Looking at this house, it needs some other repairs done as well in the near future but it will come along with a cost.
Better go as I have things to do around here today.  Have a good weekend everyone! 

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