Saturday, 15 October 2011

Summer is coming

Hi followers!  How was your week?  Basically it was just the same old routine I have each week but I had two craft meets in one week. 

Since the girls resumed back to school two weeks ago for term 4, I started to watch the new 902010 series on DVD.  It started to air the first season about 2-3 years ago but it didn't last very long as the ratings for the show wasn't good in Australia. The show started as a family (like the original) moved to LA but this family came from Kansas.  The father is the school principal at the high school has an adopted son and daughter going there.  Like the original series it has dramas with teenager kids!

If you watched the original BH 90210 series in the 90's, it was only Kelly, Brenda and Nat (the peach pit owner) are in the new series.  Kelly is now a single mum with a young boy and works at the high school as a guidance officer.  Have a guess who the father is of her child?  Brenda is an actress and only has made brief appearances on the show in the new series.  She just went to China and came back with an adopted child as she can't have any children of her own. Donna has came back in disc 2.  She's thinking of coming back to LA after living the short married life with David in Japan. They have a baby girl!

If you can remember in the original series, Kelly's mum had another daughter after she was married briefly to David's father.  Now this daughter named Silver is in high school.  Her character is totally different what Kelly was.  But I won't say what happens to Silver or their mum incase you decided to buy/hire the DVDs.

Summer is definiately on our way as storms have already started this month.  Just in one week, three storms have hit SE QLD.  Two storms hit today (for further details, read in Expression of Interest blog)!  I was thankful the afternoon storm wasn't 3pm on Friday as it would of been another scary experience to drive through for after school picks up like it did on Thursday afternoon.  Twice we were lucky and only had the tail end of the cell with pouring rain and strong wind.

What's been on your agenda for this weekend? Last night I was up very late as I had a scrap workshop to attend to until late.  My sleep pattern was short lived as our AM storm hit on daylight.  The girls played sport this AM and I caught up on sleep this afternoon and only woke up when the afternoon storm hit.  Tomorrow will be a busy day with one bowling tournament and league that night.  I will report in my sporting blog on how the tournament goes afterwards.

Have a nice Sunday!

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