Saturday, 8 October 2011

Mother Nature

What a start for the weekend from mother nature!  I didn't need to set my alarm this morning as God decided to wake up all of SE QLDers with a breakfast storm.  Going by BOM radar (which is currently not working since the storm hit)the movement of this storm hit from Gympie to the border. 

I read online later on about 11 000 homes lost power.  We weren't one of them!  All we really got was some great sounds of thunder, strong wind and heavy rainfall for two hours.  Not enough rain filled up our pool but our backyard looked like a flowing river along our fence line.  The rain died down by the time we walked out the door to go bowling. 

I had done a couple loads of washing yesterday aftero.  It was too late to have the loads dried so they stayed under the verandah overnight.  Of course they got extra wet this morning and they didn't dried today.  And guess what happened, we had another brief storm passing thru at dinner time tonight and they would of got wet another because of the wind and rain. All I really hope Sunday will be a fine day to get all the loads dried.

1 comment:

  1. Your yard flooding was lucky... I was hoping not to have to make an insurance claim on my house and contents because of stupid thing Miss Catherine did a few years ago acting as Body Corporate Chairperson. Now we have the proof that what she did was dumb, my Dad can have the drains changed back to what they were supposed to be.
