Friday, 28 October 2011

A busy week

Hi followers!  How's your week been going?  It seems this year is drawing to a close faster then we think.  The kids only have another six weeks left of school then they will have a six week summer vacation.

Four hours ago a couple of mums from the primary school were discussing during assembly on how quickly this year is going.  I grew up believing as the years we grow older, the time seems to travel faster.  It is because adults have such a busy lifestyle or it is really what I read from an article some time ago about time travel might have something to do with the procession of our moon.  Professors think: as the moon travels further away from Earth, it seems to take the time travel on by more quickly.  What do you think??

I had another busy week with normal commitments, attending two school events and I made some productive progress with my camp preparations.  It's only three weeks away now and I still have alot of photos and page layout ideas to organise to complete in one weekend.

On Wednesday night the primary school had their annual gala concert.  Consider the school is only a small population the concert was over in 90 minutes.  Three senior classes had a stomping competition (which my daughter was in one of them) when the students made musical noises from recycled items they could find in the school.  There was a small singing choir whom sang imagine (by John Lennon) and another song.  There was three ensemble groups, a beginner's and a senior's band and two string's groups.  But I think the best performance of all (and I feel they are the next Australia's got Talent winner) is the junior grade singing a song they created about engaging in you love school???  Their class teacher is such a good performer and can sing very well.  I don't know why she chose to be a teacher instead because I feel she is a natural to have an occupation in the arts.

Gotta go as I have afew things that needs my attention this aftero.  Have a good weekend!

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