Hi followers! Just a quick blog entry as I need to shut down my laptop for the night as a severe storm is heading towards Brisbane. I live between Brisbane and the Gold Coast so this storm is predicted to hit us within 30 minutes. BOM website predicted this storm is dangerous but I am praying this storm cell will calm down after it passes the Tamborine Mountain. Just look out the front door and the lightning is coming closer and closer as the minutes past on by.
How was your weekend? Besides bowling we basically just had a quiet one at home. I decided to continue with camp preparations while I have the chance to because this week will be full on with normal commitments and extra events at school as well.
To all the followers who live in SE QLD, please remain safe indoors and I hope you will have a good sleep after the storm passes. Goodnight!
It was around 11pm by the time this storm passed us. Basically all we had was light rain and lots of loud thunder. I heard on the radio news on the way to school this morning, there were reports of over 20 000 lightning strikes.