Thursday, 1 August 2013

July report

Goodbye July! I am thankful this month has been declared over as I had a rough month of receiving more bad news then good news. Either someone has died, had some form of surgery or been diagnosed with some form of cancer. What is going on in this world this century? Why are lots of people getting fatally ill to require surgery to remove an organ or have treatment for months? A couple of weeks ago I read some news feed post on facebook on how they wished it was the 80’s again. I kind of agreed with this as back then most of the past relatives I knew were still alive and kicking. Even had one of my cats off to the vet for an infected open wound as he got himself into a cat fight about 3 days before. He disappeared for around 40 hours and showed up at meal time in the morning. $150 later he got better within a week as I thought it was easier to get an antibiotic injection as he is the hardest pet to consume tablets. Don’t bother with any suggestions or tips on how to success in getting tablets down his throat because I have tried them all. Even the vet struggled on getting him to take a worm tablet at the clinic. This cat is one smart cookie!! The hardest part was to keep him indoors all the time as he is so used to outdoor living all the time. We try to keep him in at nighttime but times he is too quick at the screen door when I need to go outside for a reason or coming home late from an event. The worse part is if a household member forgets to lock the screen door, he can open the door himself and get out. I had abit of good news as well. Rachel was photographed for the local newspaper on the Fraser Coast. She was involved in a Paddle for Whales event with many other petitioners to save the whales in Hervey Bay in July. I had drivers my car for six months now and it had its first 10K done a couple of weeks ago. All’s good so far!! I am starting to see more of the same model on the road daily now. This morning there were three of us at the same set of traffic lights on Loganlea Road. My children’s report cards had arrived via snail mail and parent teacher interviews happened as well. Only on Tuesday afternoon I saw Rachel’s teachers. Her achievements results are good but her effort and behaviour into the workload isn’t as strong as it should be. Monique has started her school based traineeship this semester. She's doing sport and recreation. Her on the job training (and gets paid for it) is held at a primary school once a week on Fridays. She loves it!! Time to go as I have some house chores to do before the day ends. I already had a busy morning dealing with business phone calls to two people. Have a good month of August!

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