Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Hospital Stay

Its been twelve days since I last posted an entry in my blog.  Guess you are all wondering what happened to me. 

Last week I was quite ill and in severe pain to end up in hospital for a couple of days.  I had my gall bladder removed as it was some major health issues to cause me quite ill. If any of you had this experience would understand what I went through in such an unexpectedly incident. The pain was worse then childbirth!!

The surgery of the removal happened on Wednesday night and there was some mild complications overnight.  By Friday afternoon I was discharge to go home.  The first night I managed to sleep well after four nights of bugger all sleep.

All this week I have been resting, sleeping and watching TV.  I'm not allowed to drive for a week so I had to get other people to go to the shops when required. Over the weekend my Dad and a friend came over to keep me company for a couple of hours as I was home alone all weekend. Also I had a close friend regularly contact me to see if I am okay.

By Sunday my emotions got the better of me.  It hit me hard to realised I now have lost an organ for life. I learnt this experience as my own walk up call to my own health and need to learn to choose better healthier eating habits.  I haven't jumped on the scales to see if I have lost any kgs since I became sick but my food intake has been alot less then I normally would comsume daily. Guess now is the good time as any to think about making better changes to myself.

1 comment:

  1. Becoming emotional after this kind of experience is normal. It's a type of mourning - a loss - of one's organ.

    I suffered from it when I had my melanoma for quite some time I felt as though something was missing from me and I had cheated at life because my doctor had saved my life. When I told the Cancer Foundation and a shrink (the latter many years later) I was told it was normal to feel a loss when I had something removed that was attached to my body like it was.

    You'll be okay. Take it easy and you'll find that you will feel better after some time.

    Oh! I'll be finished with the pegs earlier than expected next week... maybe Monday or Tuesday I'll be able to pop around. :D
