Friday, 26 July 2013

Sport vs Work

Good morning all!  It's almost 8:30am here and I just got back from dropping off Monique to her school based traineeship.  She had her first day last week and she pretty much complained about muscle pain in her legs all weekend.  Guess that shows some of those leg muscles haven't been used for a while. 
She studying to be a sports and recreation officer but her on the job training is based at a primary school.  There are ten trainees with two coaches to do various sporting activities with a group of students.  Different groups change every 45 minutes. She told me last Friday she enjoyed playing games with the junior grades and it's an advantage to get paid for haviing fun with the kids.
Monique's school have their sports day this week.  Monique isn't there today to do her track events as she's at work (that is kinda weird of saying that as I am so used to see her going to school). Her school had their field events yesterday but I got the impression she didn't have a good day successing a place from doing them. She was quite good at track events while at primary school but since she's been at high school she has slack off in her motivation to success.
This Sunday Moniuqe will be playing competition in a bowling tournament in Brisbane.  Wish her luck!
Whatever plans you have, have a good weekend!

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