Friday, 9 December 2011

School over

Hi followers!  How was your week?  Been quite another busy week for me with present shopping, present wrapping, start of card writing and attending craft events.  I had one craft party to attend to on Wednesday during school hours and the second party will be held tonight.
The primary school had their class party yesterday which I had to organise something for my child to take along to school in the morning of a wet day.  Also she came home with her supplies of books she had all year. On Wednesday she came home with her report card.  As expected she didn't really do well with her achievements.  Music was the only subject she done well to get over average marks. She has her final year of primary next year so it will be interesting to see how she will cope a higher grade as well as the National Curriculum introduced. Her class teacher wanted me to work with her Maths and reading over the holidays.  Honestly I can't see my child is keen on doing some schoolwork over the holidays.
Can't believe it's now the beginning of the school holidays for six weeks. Where did this school year go?  It doesn't seem that long ago my eldest child started high school and already her first year is over. I am still waiting for her report card from semester two to arrive by mail. The high school text reply my message yesterday to say the reports are going to be posted off today.  I am hoping on Monday my child's report card will be here for me to read.  I shouldn't have nothing to worry about because she is a fairly good student with her grades.
What's on your agenda for this summer?  I am thinking of taking my girls away on a holiday for a week before Christmas.  Just need to find out when the accomodation is available and have everything done before we leave.  We should be back in time to spend Christmas Day with my parents.  But the girls will be spending some time at their Grandma's (my inlaws) after Christmas. Not sure for how long as no concrete plans has been made.  
From mid January we will be busy getting school uniforms and booklist organised. I might need to get new shirts for my eldest girl as she outgrow the ones she wore this year. But I have to purchase new shorts because the ones she wore all year has started to have the fabric going quite thin near the stitch lines.  I don't think it would take long for the fabric to rip in the wash next year. 
Consider how much I paid for the skirts, one of them has the zipper broken.  Talk about poor quality zipper!  It least it's cheaper to replace a zipper then buying a new skirt. And a good thing I do know how to sew on the machine.  I learnt to sew with my mum's machine at home when I started junior high.  By the time I reached high grades I was sewing my own clothes and continue this until I was married.  One of my friends done the same thing because we used to borrow each other's patterns.  Now my friend makes and sells children's clothing.
The primary school might have a change of uniforms next year but I feel I shouldn't have to buy new uniforms when my child has only one year of primary school life left.
Gotta go as I have afew things to do at home before I leave in less then two hours night.           
Enjoy your time with your kids over these holidays!  Suzi

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