Saturday, 3 December 2011

Another busy week

Hi followers!  How was your week?  The kids only have another week of school left for the year then they will have six weeks off over summer. 
This week was quite busy with the start of preparations for this Christmas, attended to one scrap meet and finished bowling for the year.  The kids will finish up competition next weekend.
On Wednesday I had my parent teacher interview at the primary school.  Rachel has made a slight improvement with her grades but I do wonder how she will struggle to do the year 7 workload next year. Her teacher would like me to work with her Maths and reading over the holidays.  We will know by this time next week who will be her new class teacher for her final year of primary school.  She had her first male teacher all year and it was nice to get to know him with his occupational experience.  I feel he is a great asset for any classroom of any grade at any school but really I hope he will Rachel's teacher again next year.
Before school ended on Thursday, three male staff from the primary school had their moustache shaved off as part of the fund raise event for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia. The idea of this fund raise event is to get males who register to grow their moustache during the month of November.  For further details go to
How's your weekend been going so far?  This evening we went to the cinema to see Puss in Boots in 3D and we had Maccies for dinner. Surprisingly the cinema wasn't even a full house.  Guess there isn't too many kids who love cats but then again maybe the parents are waiting until school holidays (from next weekend) to see it. You should take your kids to see it!  They will love it!  We love it and I probably go again on the holidays to see it in 2D with the kids.  They won't get bored because there is so much action in it.
Speaking of cats, I better go and see what the problem is with my cat.  Sleep well! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey missed you at Garden City... I was there at 9:30am - as planned outside The Pancake Manor - however you didn't show.

    Did something come up? Was the meeting for your parent-teacher meeting at the same time? We could always catch up next Thursday maybe. :)
