What a week this one going to be! I thought the weekend was bad enough when I found out a friend has been dianogised with a brain tumour. But tonight's bombshell set this week off. Whatever plans that supposely happen may not happen afterall.
Looks like I might be making an emergency trip to travel up north as I received bad news about one of my Auntie's passing tonight. It was a total shock to me because I never knew she was quite ill. I did get the call on Sunday evening stating to expect the worse but I didn't think it would happen just over 24 hours later. Tonight is too much of a reminder what happen three years ago when my Nanna died. The only difference is my Auntie died the day after my Nanna's anniversary.
The details of her funeral haven't been said as yet but I am only guessing it might happen before this weekend. If not, it would be earlier next week for sure.
Watching parts of the episode of the X-factor tonight made me thought what kind of world we live in after I heard the song IMAGINE sang by a 17 yo male. Even after I SMSing to some cousins of mine who live interstate, I thought I wish I could be in my 20's again. Then I wouldn't have my relatives slowly departing out of my life as I am growing older. I know it's the circle of life that we were born to live and die but I still think it isn't fair to see our relatives go after I have known for over four decades. I just hope my Auntie didn't suffer much pain in whatever illness she may had.
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