Guess who's birthday it is today? MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! But I am not going to say how old I am. All I will say I will be celebrating many anniversaries over the years of being 21 again and again. Well.....I only can wish to be that young again. Don't you? Ahh! The good old days of being single.
OMG! That was so long ago and where did these decades go and how much my life has changed during this time. I got married, moved three times, experienced childbirth twice and a lost of a baby, had afew casual job positions and experienced of being part business owner. Now for the next 21 years I hope to stay healthy, continue bowling (hopefully get back into more tournaments in other states), witness my children have excellent careers and try to achieve my own goals and dreams. What are your goals and dreams?
Anyway I had a nice quiet time at home with my family on my birthday. I was planning on going to the EKKA with the kids but because I had a sick child home from school for most of this week I thought it wouldn't be advisable to go and let her get any worse after she's making the road to recovery now.
I have received afew birthday greetings via snail mail and on my facebook wall. Thanks guys! I love you all! But the best present of all was receiving a DVD set of the final series of Macleod's Daughters from my DH. And seeing my eldest daughter getting her star of the week reward at bowling this morning made a nice start to the day. I have a feeling it will be my turn tomorrow night to get my reward. Now, wouldn't it make the best present for me and make a nice ending to my weekend.
I heard this morning about a Nanna from junior bowling had celebrated her 90th year last week and apparently her family had organised her to go on a bike ride around Sydney for an hour. I couldn't imagine a senior age female on the back of a three wheel bike but she said she loved it! I couldn't see myself doing that at that age (that's if I am alive still by then) but I would love to go up into a hot air balloon before I died. I don't know because I am scared of heights. When I used to live at home with my parents I used to see one or more hot air balloon on most weekends, passing over our house at such early hours of the morning (after sunset). It was so beautiful to watch!
If your birthday is coming up or has already past for this year, I hope you will/had a great day with your family and friends.
Oops I made some grammar errors in this post. I meant to say sunrise not sunset. And I don't know why I want to do hot air ballooning because I am scared of heights. I won't even climb up a ladder.