Saturday, 17 March 2012

An interesting week

Hi everyone!  How's your week been going? It was pretty much a normal week with normal commitments that keep me off the streets. 
Yesterday it was National Anti Bullying Day where you wear anything orange to support the cause to stop bullying.  Seriously do you really think bullying will ever stop while mankind lives on Earth?  While I witness yesterday's assembly at the primary school, I noticed alot of students and staff members wore orange. It sure made the hall quite bright.
Last night the school hosted a disco for the kids while the parents sit and have cheese and wine with the P and C committee.  I didn't drink because I knew I had to drive home with Rachel again.  Going by the number of the crowd attending, I think it was a successful event with the kids have a great time with music and consuming pizza for dinner and most parents socialized with other parents.  Not sure how many more discos they plan to continue throughout the year.
This week has been interesting!  We have now added a new pet to this household.  A cat was rescued from our local community.  Somebody moved but forgot to take their precious cat with them or she returned back to their old address.  This cat would be very similar aged to Gismo but she doesn't seem to be a friendly cat towards him. She already has ruled this house by letting Gismo know she's the boss.  She loves me through!  Each night while I am watching TV, she comes up and sits on my lap.  BOY!  Gismo isn't impress with that one. One thing about this princess, she reminds of a cat I used to own while I was growing up.  The only difference is the colouring and sex gender.
This week also marks World Greatest Shave Day where people fundraise for the Leukaemia Foundation. For further information go to   When people signed up to join this event, they ask for sponsors throughout February and March and on the day they get their head either shave, wax or dyed in bright colours.  The primary school didn't get involved this year but I did see a parent at junior bowling yesterday with bright green hair.  I assume he was involved in this program. Here's the website link for more information about the biggest fundraise event of Australia.  Go to
What's on your agenda for this weekend?  We will be busy as Monique has a bowling tournament to be played tomorrow. She will be bowling four games in a five man team.  It was two weeks ago she last bowled in a mini tournament at her home centre.  She came 2nd! As for bowling leagues we have been going up and down on the charts.  No rewards lately! 
Term one is coming to a close quite fast.  The kids only have two weeks of school left then they will be on school holidays for two weeks in April.  Not sure what will happen but I am thinking of going away on holidays for a week, if all's well with my Dad.
The next two weeks will be busy as a couple of events are coming up.  Both the primary and high school will have their annual Cross Country event and AGM meetings with the P and C members. I only attend to the meetings at the primary school because the high school has their general meetings on the same night as the primary school.  I will get more involved at the high school once Rachel starts high school next year.
The primary school decided to have their parent teacher student interview on the last week of term.  It seems the education system is now changing.  Back in the old days it used to be only the parent teacher interviews but now they introduced the interview with the parent and their child to attend at the same interview.  This school decided to have the interviews early so the parent knows how their child is progressing and for the student to discuss with their teacher on what needs to be improved.  These days it seems the school are focus more on reading.  It has been discuss many times during assembly or newsletters on how important to have our child to read nightly. If you have a child who is a bookworm, you won't have an issue and the school staff would be happy with your child.  But if you have a child who is not keen on reading, you have an issue. 
Rachel isn't a keen learner or wishes to read! So she had to supposely attend to reading sessions in the mornings before school.  This new incentive program started three weeks ago.  She missed the first week but she managed to attend once or two mornings since.  She isn't a morning person so it is impossible to get her out of bed early every day.
Better go as I have afew things I need to do this afternoon.  Have a good weekend! 

1 comment:

  1. Such a pity you missed out on my event for the World's Greatest Shave... I began this last year and will be doing it each year... lots of fun and I will be putting up a photo album each year on facebook for all my friends to see.

    And they don't wax, they only offer up shaving or colouring. I coloured last year and shaved and coloured this year - much to Mum's shock! - and I had a great time! :D
