Sunday, 4 March 2012

February report

Goodbye February!  Hello March!  If my Nanna was still alive, it would of been her 102nd birthday today.

February being the last month of official summer season in Australia, I was quite busy with normal commitments of school routine and activities, SAHM stuff, craft workshops,bowling, caught two new release movies at the cinema and spending time with a friend. 

Majority of TV shows have returned from their summer break.  At present time I am following MKR, Packed to the Rafters, The Amazing Race and the shows on Thursday night from 8:30pm. Also I started to watch REVENGE on Channel 7 on Monday nights.

My MKR has a music CD now available.  It's a two CD collection to listen to while cooking or dining.  The first CD is the one the kids and I love the most.  It has been playing alot in the car.

It seems my Dad has really been in the wars since retirement. All the years he was in good health and never barely went to any doctors, it is now different when you are over 65.  He retired early because of his back crisis but in late 2009 he was diagnosed with early stages of prostate cancer. He had the organ removed but it was the side effects after surgery that made him ill for most of 2010.  Since then he has complain about groin pain which an ultrasound done on Friday.  There is definiately something there and the doctors are saying it might be a hernia. My Dad will be back to his own GP this week which I am sure he will be off to a specialist for further testing and so on before surgery is scheduled to happen soon.

Last month he was at a medical clinic to have his first colonoscopy done.  From what I heard this procedure isn't a pleasant procedure to experience for any male or female. Most patients are over 60 when they are asked to be done.  If you don't know, it is a procedure done by a mini camera inserted through your anus while you are in a twilight sleep mode to see if the patient has colon cancer or polyps. In my Dad's case he was free from cancer but a polyp was found and removed which it's not cancerous either.

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