Sunday, 22 January 2012

Movies and more movies

Good evening followers and readers!  How was your weekend?  This weekend was more a movie weekend and watching abit of tennis too. 

Yesterday morning I taken the kids to see Happy Feet 2 at the cinema. It was the only one session left in the morning so I thought we better go before we missed out.  I am glad we went because I feel it is better then the first one.

This afternoon my eldest daughter and I went to the cinema with a friend of mine to see War Horse.  Believe me it was quite a long movie and it definiately isn't suited for young children.  The movie is about a horse who survived the WW!.  Due to the graphic nature of war, I am not planning on seeing this movie again. I don't think there was not one dried eye in the cinema as there were alot of lives lost.  A good thing about this movie, I now have a better understanding on how ANZAC DAY was introduced.

Tonight I have stayed up quite late to watch all the Jurassic Park movies on TV. It was on a freeview channel.

Time for bed now!  Goodnight!

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