Saturday, 14 January 2012

Lonely Saturday Night

As I sit here quite relaxed after a hot spabath in milky chocolate bubbles, it's after 9pm here on Saturday night.  I am currently listening to great music from my local radio station....97.3FM. Not sure how long I have been listening to this station but I think I started listening in the very early 21st century when I was channel surfing at the time to find something good to listen to one day or night. 

Over twenty years ago I would of been out raging at nightclubs with 80's and 90's music, enjoying the single life and had a better body build. Those were the good old days which at times I wish I was still that young again and free. Guess now I am going through the mid life crisis as they call it.

As I grow older and older with grey hair strips throughout my hair and gained afew extra pounds that I don't like seeing myself in the mirror, I am an old married mum with teenage kids.  Well... one of them is definiately a teenager and the other one is a pre-teen.  Most of the time they drive me crazy with their sibling rivalry stunt, almost every day of the week.  Don't get me wrong, I love my kids but there is times I am just about ready to pull my hair out.

I am home alone this weekend as my DH is away for an overnight stay at his parent's house.  You see he went back this weeknd to pick up our kids and they all come back tomorrow afternoon.  Normally I would be over the moon to have my home alone time but I think this time I am feeling different.  Maybe because I miss the kids so much as I haven't seem them in three weeks.  We had regular phone contacts, just it isn't the same thing as seeing them in person on a regular basis.  It's very rare for them to be away on holidays without their parents for this long and I remember why I don't do it every holidays.

It was very nice of their Grandparents to have this opportunity to be with them because they don't see their grand-daughters very often. They live in Hervey Bay which is a four hour drive from our home address. Most weekends last year we were at one or more bowling alleys as my daughter/s were involved in bowling leagues and tournaments.  So it was impossible for the kids to spend time with grandparents no 2 (that's what I call them to avoid confusion which grandparents, the kids talk about).

It seems we live in a sad world this century.  I heard or read too much of the news lately about the tragic events happening this year throughout the globe.  I thought Mother Nature did her best last year but it seems other events are taking over in 2012. 

Only today I found out a friend has lost her relative this week.  I do really feel her pain as it is only been less then five months ago since I lost a relative myself.  As I grow older, it seems I keep on losing our friends and relatives or seeing them suffer some form of illness. And it is getting harder and harder to deal with the death of someone special in my life. Is it because I have known the person for too long in my life?  Boy!  Why does our life have to be so challenging?

Well.. guess that's all I got to say and get off my chest about being feeling sorry for myself.  After a good soak in the tub I think I should feel alot better in the morning after a good night's sleep.  Goodnight all!

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