Friday, 26 July 2013

Sport vs Work

Good morning all!  It's almost 8:30am here and I just got back from dropping off Monique to her school based traineeship.  She had her first day last week and she pretty much complained about muscle pain in her legs all weekend.  Guess that shows some of those leg muscles haven't been used for a while. 
She studying to be a sports and recreation officer but her on the job training is based at a primary school.  There are ten trainees with two coaches to do various sporting activities with a group of students.  Different groups change every 45 minutes. She told me last Friday she enjoyed playing games with the junior grades and it's an advantage to get paid for haviing fun with the kids.
Monique's school have their sports day this week.  Monique isn't there today to do her track events as she's at work (that is kinda weird of saying that as I am so used to see her going to school). Her school had their field events yesterday but I got the impression she didn't have a good day successing a place from doing them. She was quite good at track events while at primary school but since she's been at high school she has slack off in her motivation to success.
This Sunday Moniuqe will be playing competition in a bowling tournament in Brisbane.  Wish her luck!
Whatever plans you have, have a good weekend!

Friday, 19 July 2013

Semester two started

It's now two weeks since the girls have been back at school for the start of semester two. School report cards and parent teacher interviews might be happening in most schools this month.

Earlier in the week we received Monique's record card via snail mail.  She has done well with good acheivement grades in most subjects and all the teachers gave her good comments too. Her school's parent teacher interviws are held next Tuesday but I don't really need to speak to any of her teachers as I met them earlier this year. Back then they all stated she is going well at school. 

On the other hand it might be a different story for her sister. I am still waiting for Rachel's first report card from high school as yet. Going by her primary school years results I am not really expecting a very high achievement student. I guess her report card might arrive next week as parent teacher interviews are held in the following week. I wouldn't be surprise if I need to see any of Rachel's teachers as I already had a phone call last term about an educational crisis with Rachel's assignment.

At long last Monqiue's traineeship has began.  She met to start on her on the job training last Friday but there was a mild hiccup from one of the institude's organisers. All's sorted out now and she started on her training schedule this morning. When I drop her off at the office this morning there was another young trainee waiting.  Both girls headed to the destination point to met up with the others.

Guess I will know in two hours or so on how her first day went. Apparently there are ten students from different schools who are on the same job training with two coaches at one primary school to teach a group of students each week about different sporting recreation activities.  At the end of this course all trainees will have a qualification as a sports and recreation officer. This certificate course should take a minimum of a year to complete.

To all the followers and readers who have students in school, all the best of luck to them for whatever year level or course they are studying this semester.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Better week ending

Hi everyone!  How was your weekend?  Thank goodness my weekend was better then during the week. I had a busy Saturday and more a lazy Sunday watching TV.
Saturday started off early as I had my car booked in for its first capped service (at 10K).  All is well there!  While I was waiting there for two hours I spent some time on doing some papercraft activities and crochet.
After the car service completed I drove to my parent's house to pick them up and we went to a RSL club for most of the day. We watched some light entertainment for three hours, had a big lunch and was involved in the raffles.  I won a meat tray!!
Have a good week!

Friday, 12 July 2013

Worse week

What a week!  I thought Tuesday was bad enough but no....dramas kept on coming in for me! Life can be so challenging!! I am starting to wonder is that the reason why I was born.
After Tuesday one of my cats went missing for about 40 hours,  He came home injuried so off to the vet this morning. After an expense I don't want, I am hoping he will recover fully by this time next week.
On Wednesday both kids were sick and they had a day off school on the same day. Last night there was no hot water left for my shower.
And this morning Monique supposely started her on the job training.  Once we got to the destination we found out the venue had no clue what was going on. After multiple phone calls between schools, Education Department and the institude who offers her school based traineeship, we found out one particular person didn't do their job properly. Someone in the Education Deptment got back to me in the end with more details. If this person does the job right now she supposely start the on the job training next Friday. Monique was not a happy camper!!  She was so close to blowing a fuse at someone!!
Here's hoping for a better weekend.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Term three

School holidays are now over! And what a busy schedule we had for two weeks.  Besides my normal commitments we managed to see afew movies, a day of go karting and went out for two lunches and two dinners.

School resumed back on Monday which the first day went well.  Tuesday was the day I wished I stayed in bed as we experienced something we wished not to seen.  On the way to school Monique and I witnessed a car accident happened about half a km from our home address.  Like everyone says, accidents intend to happen near home.  In this case it was a truck t-bone into a small car near the corner shop.  I don't know how the female driver in the small car missed not seeing a truck coming but the poor driver in the truck tried his best not to have an accident.  I don't go into further details on how this accident happened, its bad enough to get repeated images of this event happened.  As far as we know the female driver survived this accident.

Well my day gets even better.  Once I arrived at the craft store, the first hour had bad news shared.  All I wanted to do was go home but I managed to stay and got my motivation done to complete afew scrap pages casually.

Yesterday both of my kids had a day off school because both of them weren't feeling well.  Even I didn't want to get out of bed either but I did and resume back to social bowling league again after a four month break.  I only just bowled over average games but didn't win any points.

Today seems to be a better start to the day. Both girls went to school without any dramas. After school will be busy as we have afew things to sort out.

Looking forward to my weekend as a couple of household members will be away for two nights. They plan to leave after school tomorrow and return on Sunday.  On Saturday I will be busy with afew events and hopefully on Sunday it will be more a relaxed and peaceful day.

Have a great weekend!  Remember safe travels on all roads.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Half year report

Goodbye June!  Hello July!  That is kinda funny saying that as there is one bowler jokes to a female bowler on most weeks saying HELLO JULY as this lady is really named JUNE.

All the years seeing the words "THE SUNSHINE STATE" on red(used to be green until about ten years ago)rego vehicle plates, I wouldn't say this part of the state had sunshine lately.  Inspite we started our winter season in the southern hemisphere we had cooler maximum temps of early to mid teens when it rains. On the weekend there were reports of seeing water sprouts out in the waters of North Stradbroke Island and the Gold Coast.

Now half the year has passed. I had a busy routine with normal commitments, seeing afew new release movies at the cinemas and spending some time with friends. At present time it is the second week of the school holidays for QLD students.  We had a busy week attending to go karting for one day and seen two family movies at the cinema.

Inspite the good news, we had a run of bad news as well.  I had three friends and three relatives with serious health issues.  Four people have been in hospital and had surgery and now on the road to full recovery. Another relative is required to have surgery this month.

In May, Creative Memories went into receivership so my craft workshops attendance have been stopped. For the past month I only been attending to casual scrap once a week at the craft store or do pages digitally at home.

Enjoy your month of July!