Wednesday, 1 May 2013

April report

Wow!  Where did April go?  I can't believe it's the first day of May already.
In Australia we are now half way into our autumn season.  I have noticed our daylight hours are growing shorter and our evening temperatures are beginning to feel like a wild winter is coming  Good hugging weather!! Even in the early mornings you need to wear warm clothing but once morning tea starts you need to change clothes as the temperature gauges rises alittle faster then you think.
How was your month of April?  As usual I was busy with normal commitments involving my kids, bowling and scrapbooking. I joined an online craft group which I started to work on ATCs again after such a long break for a year or two.
April was a busy month with school holidays for the first two weeks of the month.  The first week was busy catching afew new release movies at the cinema with either my best friend or my kids.  The second week was spend more at home and catching up with afew family members.
Rachel's birthday happened during the school holidays.  Now it's official........she's a young teenager!!  If anyone says terrible twos were bad, I don't think so!! Dealing with a 15 yo (who thinks she's 25) is bad enough. I just hope Rachel doesn't do the same mistakes her darling sister done last year. There are times I wish my kids are still in the early childhood years!!
On 15th April most schools resumed for term two. In the first week back I had my parent teacher interviews with Monique's teachers.  I was given good reports from all of her teachers. Also I had seen written results on paper as her mid term report card arrived in the post at the beginning of the school holidays.
In term one, Monique had apply to do a school based traineeship to complete a certificate in sports and recreation.  She had her interview at QEII during the school holidays and signing paperwork happened last week at the school when a couple of members from QSA came in. Just got to wait for approval from the Education Department then her course will commence.  She will be off to her field placement once a week at a primary school.  It isn't any of the primary schools she was enrolled at but it will be about a 15 minute drive for me to drop her off.
Not surprise really she is keen on choosing a sport related career as she was very good during her primary school life in PE and shown an interest in bowling since she was 3 years old. Guess it doesn't help when I am a keen bowler since I was in primary school. But I didn't join any leagues or tournaments until I left school.
Speaking of bowling Monique entered three tournaments in April. All played in Brisbane and Logan. She came 5th in one and 3rd in another.
The best highlight of my month was attending to the weekend camp of scrapbooking last weekend. I worked on school theme pages of Rachel's primary years and finishing off a couple of gift albums at long last.
Time to head off and get some things done before settling down to sleep.  Have a good month of May!  To all the mums and grandmas I hope you will have a good Mother's Day with your family next weekend.

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