Rachel started high school this year and she seem to settled in well in her new environment. Besides studying the common core subjects, she had two electives as well. She chose Art and Food Studies.
Towards the end of term I met all of her teachers at parent teacher interviews. Also she had a breakfast assessment dish (for food studies) to make up and serve to her guest. She invited me to attend to taste her cooking skills. It was good!!
Yesterday (as being the last day of term one) her school had their annual cross country event. The plan was to attend to watch her age group do their distance but I got involved instead. I walked the coarse with afew SEU students and three teachers.
I have been on abit of an expensure spree with two items. I own the 5th generation ipod. I have been busy downloading free apps of games and play daily. Have afew songs from itunes as well and other download items I am interested in.
Had to get a new car as the old car was dying. Too much mechanical problems started and it was going to cost more then the market value of the vehicle.
The best highlight of this term was owning a brand new car and done alot of driving to schools, bowling, scrapbooking meets and other events. A great little hatch with great fuel economy!! And has extra features that an older model car never had.
Can't really remember how much kilometres on the clock at present time but I had the free inspection and car wash done at the dealership last month. The car will be due for its first common service during winter.
Once driving this new model I have been on the lookout for other Corollas of the same model. Two months ago, I had alot of rubber necks (including the police) having a good look at my car. One passenger of an older model Corolla vehicle gave me the thumbs up. I am starting to see them more on the roads now. Majority of the ones I see on the ones pictured here. There is an odd black, blue, orange and another red vehicle registrated on our roads.
Time to go as I have some things I must do today. Have a safe and Happy Easter everyone!
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