Saturday, 10 November 2012

Music technology

Hi everyone!  How was your week?  As usual I was busy with school and other commitments.  But I had two scrapbooking workshops this week.  Both were held on the same day on Wednesday.
Rachel had her final morning of her year 7 into 8 transition program at the high school yesterday.  For five weeks they had different subjects to have mild experience of learning for about an hour each per subject.  Can't remember what other subjects she studied but yesterday it was food studies and music.  She was telling me her small group made pikelets for morning tea.

The parents and/or carers were invited to come into the school on their first break to share morning tea with their kids and teachers.  I had an interesting conversation with a teacher's aide from another primary school. Looks like when the transition of all year 7s starting high school in 2015 will be a huge impact to all primary schools in Queensland.  Depending on the enrollment numbers of each primary place, the schools will lose enrollments of at least two or more classes of year 7s.  Also they might lose a couple of teachers as well.  Or less the education department transfers the year 7 teachers to the high school as well but I can't see that one happening.  But my thought is:  will most of the 12-13 year old students be ready to step up to learn at a high school environment by then??
After morning tea we went to the music room for the kid's final lesson of the program.  I was totally blown away as I had first hand experience what it was like to be a professional music artist. First time in my life I got up close and personal with this kind of modern technology equipment. If only this was existed over 20 years ago, I would of been learning more about music all through high school. The kids and I had abit of play and created some musical notes via a computer program and keyboard.  I was having a ball!! Even the music teacher loved what I created.  I told her straight that I couldn't read musical notes but I can pick up a musical note quite easily, just by the sound only.  There is abit of a music gene in my family as a couple of past generations had a couple of cousins in a music band.  I was told they used to performed at local pubs. 
What's on your agenda for this weekend?  I am hoping to finalized my scrap preparations, ready for next weekend while my 14 yo is away for the weekend at her friend's house.  Tomorrow I have to be at bowling about half an hour early because we have an AGM on to discuss what's happening at the break up and next year. 
Consider someone's alarm was set to go off at 6am, I have been awake since then.  Haven't been outside because it has been raining since last night. It's nice to have slow rainfall because it helps the environment feel fresh again after such a dry winter and spring seasons. This morning we watched four DVD movies.  The first three were the Crocodile Dundee series and the forth DVD was PUSS IN BOOTS.
Better get into sorting out my scrap papers for my albums now. 
Have a good weekend! 

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