Friday, 8 June 2012

Full on week

Hi everyone!  How was your week?  I had a full on week with school days of barely not at home. Only today I am more at home so I can catch up with some housework as I will have another busy weekend planned.

This week I was out visiting a friend and a couple of relatives, attend to one scrap meet and had my social bowl.  I wouldn't say I bowled well on Wednesday as the lanes were too fast for my liking. Even the approach was too oily!  I was more scared I would slip over and sprain my arm. 

Can't believe another weekend is only around the corner.  Of course another extra day is added as we have a public holiday on Monday. It's known as Jubilee Queen's Birthday.  It's to celebrate the Queen of England of been our queen for the past 60 years.  My parents would of been in primary school when this changeover happened back then. 

What's on your agenda for this weekend?  It seems I am more married to the bowling alley on most weekends as we have leagues or tournaments played but this weekend my kids need to prebowl as they will be away on the upcoming school holidays.

On Saturday I will be off to a big morning tea event for Cancer Council Research with afew bowlers from Wednesday's social league. This is my second year of attending and it is alot of fun to be involved.  After all the hardwork beforehand, it's worth the cause in the end.  Last year this group made over $2000 in fund raising. This group has lot of different foods to eat, party games and multiple raffle draws going. It will be mid afternoon by the time this event will be finished. There is other groups do the same thing throughout May and June annually.  From this group with who I am attending to, there is a mother and daughter (around my age group) who survived breast cancer. How many females do you know who either survived or lost their battle with this horrible disease?  I just hope there will be a cure for all cancers in the future as I had my share of experiences of witnessing family members or friends with some form of cancer.

Whatever plans you might have for this weekend, I hope it will be a safe travel weekend!


  1. I'm a survivor of Cancer - a Melanoma. I had my operation in July 1996 and haven't had a return of it since. I was fortunate enough not to need to undergo any of the radiation treatments or chemo-therapy. Now, I lead a good, healthy life. :D

  2. Only this past week the nurse from the high school had a page written in the school's enewsletter about Cancer. She said a child as young as 15 can have Melanoma. Last year my Dad had two Melanomas removed in twelve months and the doctor said these Melanomas had nothing to do with the sun. His youngest brother had skin cancer in one of his eyes. Not surprised really as his occupation was based in the sun daily. Lost his eye of course but had a glass eye put in since.

    So you do wonder why we have cancer? Is the environment or the lifestyle we live? Think about time before modern technology was in. Did people have cancer in the pioneer years? If so, it can't be the modern technology that is killing us. I think its our DNA or gene that is in our bodies that goes wrong after a certain period. I heard at the fund raise event yesterday about our genes are mostly come from your mother's side of the family.
