Saturday, 19 May 2012

Halfway into term 2

Hi everyone!  How was your week?  Another week just about over and basically had more time at home recovering from this flu virus.  It sure is going around the country as I heard afew people had time off work for a couple of days because of the same virus hit them like a tonne of bricks.  Luckily for me I haven't got the bad case of it as yet but it is enough for my body to lose energy too quickly. I was starting to regain my energy levels on Thursday but after walking up and down the back stairs to deal with the laundry buggered me out before 9pm.  I am not normally an early bed setter so falling asleep in front of the TV before 9pm isn't common for me.

Its now half way into term 2 and the schools keep being busy with their curriculum program and events. The NAPLAN tests are now over for another year. The results should be released to students by the end of term 3.  Both girls had literacy and numeracy tests for three days. Monique supposely finished all tests now but there is a rumour there might be introduced to year 11 students as well.

Yesterday I read the school's newsletter online from the high school.  Looks like we might have a change of principals as the current one is going to be transferred to another school. In the 18 months Monique has been there, I never barely seen him or spoke to him via emails. He is being hopeful to come back but generally it isn't the case.  Hopefully the permanent replacement will be just as good as he was. At present time his senior DP will become acting principal.  I only met this guy last year at Monique's behaviour reward breakfast.  Monique didn't even know there will be a change of principals.  I thought she knew but I told her it was mentioned in the newsletter.  Maybe it was a sudden thing that just happen only this week.
It seems Rachel had a good day at school yesterday.  Her class went to a local high school to see how it feels to be there at high school.  Not sure how she is going to cope as she isn't keen on learning all the time at primary school.  She told they learnt abit of Japanese and Drama today.  They go again next Friday I think.  
I was surprised in the afternoon when Rachel handed me a certificate.  I was invited to attend to a morning tea yesterday morning for National Volunteer Week but I didn't go because I felt exhausted when I woke up.  When the kids were dropped off, came home and went back to sleep for 90 minutes.  But I wasn't expected to receive a certificate for appreciation at the school.  The only thing I done this year was attending to P and C meetings and made my contributions there.  Also Rachel's school photos have finally arrived.  The photos came out great! 
What's on your agenda for this weekend?  Today I will have an all day scrapbooking event on.  This is an annual event to celebrate its birthday for Creative Memories (based from USA originally).  I think CM has been in Australia for 15 years now but I didn't start scrapbooking until 1999 when Monique was only a baby back then. Over the years I have created alot of photo albums and my girls love looking through their books. I have created afew smaller albums to give as presents as well.  I meet afew consultants over the years but the latest consultant I have been going to workshops since 2004. If I can remember correctly I think I started attending to weekend camps in 2007.
Tomorrow it is an early start as I will be carpooling some junior bowlers to the Gold Coast as the juniors have a TBA tournament on from 9am.  It's a five man team to bowl five games and the juniors compete with teams from Logan, Gold Coast and Northern NSW.
Whatever plans you may have on, I hope you all will have a great weekend!

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