Sunday, 31 December 2017

My 2017 Report

Today is the last day of 2017.  The weather prediction might be right about a wet and stormy night for New Year Eve celebrations tonight. Its very overcast and humid now!!  Not sure if I will go out or even be awake to see 2018 welcoming as I have came down with a summer cold this morning.

Didn't this year really fly by? Could say I had a busy year of doing part time job in retail and babysitting.  During the second semester I was studying a course which ended when school finished for the year. I was studying Education Support and had one term of work experience at a public primary school.  I mostly worked in the junior grades by assisting the classroom teacher with admin work, supervising and assisting some students with their education needs and playground duty. 

My craft meets didn't happened as much in semester two as my course taken up most of my time. I mainly attending to meets on some weekends per month.  I mostly done my own thing with an odd workshop activity/lesson.  Next year I plan on just focus on one thing as I am well behind with the projects. I am hoping to use this summer break to prepare many pages to scrapbook in 2018.

I was still bowling on Sunday nights.  My league went for 46 weeks and managed not to come last in our league standings. I didn't bowl many high games at all.  Maybe it should be something I should focus more on in 2018. Next year it looks to be new members will be joining the league.  There were discussions about changing centres but I am glad the plan fell through as I wasn't going to travel an extra 30 minutes to get there. During the year we had a couple of social events with the league.  We had a couple of dining outs and one day of putt putt on the Gold Coast. The league committee is seeking new fundraising ideas for 2018.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

Better go and get some food shopping done before the storm comes later on. Happy New Year!  I hope 2018 will be happy, healthy and safe year for you and your families.  If you planning to make New Year Resolutions I hope you will be able to sick to them.

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Merry Christmas!

Only one sleep to go!   I hope everyone is well prepared by now as officially tomorrow will be the biggest day for most people. 

Before the shops close this afternoon I need to purchase and prepare the fresh food ready for tomorrow. Hopefully the shops will be abit quieter. Most supermarkets had been open to midnight during this week. I called into one after 10pm on Friday night and I was amazed how silent night it really was.

Later this afternoon I have plans to watch a Christmas movie at the cinema with a friend.  And on Boxing Day we already got tickets to see the latest Doctor Who movie length episode in the afternoon.

Either tonight but more likely tomorrow I will be out and about during the day to hand deliver my Christmas cards into some mailbox as I didn't get around to writing up Christmas cards until yesterday. Others will be posted as they live too far away.

Tomorrow I will be at my daughters from late afternoon to have our family dinner there. She has plans to be with her partner's family during the day.

Best wishes for a happy and safe festive season with your families.  I hope 2018 will be a happy and healthy year for all.

Thursday, 30 November 2017

Goodbye Spring!

OMG!! Where is this year really going?  Only 25 more sleeps until Christmas Day!  I haven't even thought much about this year's Christmas shopping, card writing and etc. as I have been busy dealing with my college degree.  Next week is the last week of college and proud to say we only have our final module to complete tomorrow. Our graduation won't happened until January 2018. It will be abit hard to apply for any current teacher aide's positions before school ends next week as none of us can show our certificate until late January. In today's mail my first aide certificate finally arrived after the hiccups since September.

Today is the last day of spring but like I said in a previous blog we started summer temperatures already. Throughout this month we seen more rainfall and an odd storm here and there.  The BOM are predicting a possible wet festive season. Really it depends on how hard the rain falls in short time over the festive season. My Christmas dinner supposedly be happening at my daughter's house. If there is too much rain with flash flooding in low areas it will be very hard to travel to her place. On the weather report on TV tonight there was a Tropical Cyclone formed out the sea off Western Australia.  I wasn't expecting to hear about cyclones as yet.  Normally we don't hear about them until January.

Year 10 to 12 have now finished their school year. All private schools will be finished by tomorrow. Only the state schools from prep to year 9 will finished next Friday. My field placement will be completed next week too. In my last week I will be working with other teacher aides and see what really goes behind the scenes. Today in their staffroom I observed two teacher's aides preparing many scrapbooks for next year's classes. 

This week was my last week to work in the junior classrooms. I will miss them as I have gain some form of professional relationship with some students.  I have grown to know more about their personality traits, etc. It has been a great experience to see and learn how much the curriculum has changed since I was at school. Even my 19 year old said last week the curriculum has changed a lot since she was in year one. The only thing I will to learn more is about their handwriting styles because it sure has changed a lot since my school days. Guess I will have to buy a handwriting book and start practicing over the holidays.

About a month ago my 19 yo has announced her engagement to her child's father. They plan to get married in autumn 2019. They plan on having three bridesmaids (all relatives), one flower girl (which I am sure you can work out who that person is) and three groomsmen (two are friends and one relative). At the moment only their wedding attire are on layby. They decided to order now while major sales are on.  My job is to make invitations next year!

Just recently my grand daughter has developed a new milestone.  She started to scribble on paper.  Also she scribbles on walls and tables. At this stage we can't predict which way she will go with her fine motor skills.  At the moment she seems to be using both left and right hands to hold a pencil and scribble. But I feel she might end up be left handed because she seems to feel more comfortable in scribbling and holding the pencil right. If I had to, I can cut and write left handed but not as fast and confident as my right hand.

Better go as I have some Christmas Cards to write to my college mates and hand out tomorrow.  A couple of students won't be able to attend to the break up party next week.  Have a good night!

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Half way into Spring

How's everything and everyone going? Hope all is well and enjoying your autumn/spring season.  We are supposedly be in spring but we had more summer temperatures here already.  Storm season already started after a dry autumn and winter seasons. Still not a lot of rain in SE QLD to fill up our dams.  I heard Bundaberg copped a good dose of the rainfall last week! 

Here I thought it was time to put our winter supplies away but it's overcast, windy (on the north side) and cooler here today!  Supposedly be cooler temps and overcast with showers this weekend!  Thank goodness I done all the washing of my clothes yesterday before I went to college.  And managed to get home in time before the storm arrived.

What did yesterday's storm do? On my way home yesterday I could see a good storm brewing on the Southside. My eldest daughter text me once I got home from college to say the storm looked to be really a nasty one near her way. She moved to Acacia Ridge (not far from our old address years ago.  She was too young to remember living there) after her daughter's first birthday party in July. I won't got into details to why the sudden move from Regents Park to where they are now. 

I didn't catch the news report to find out who copped the nasty looking storm but we only had the tail end of the cell at my place.  Just one heavy shower for 5-10 minutes and abit windy. Not strong enough to worry about moving my car off the street.

Nothing special to report about September...Just basically done the normal routine each week with work at the boutique store but my volunteer hours have now dropped, two craft meets, bowling and study my course which takes up my days of the week now. The last two weeks of September were school holidays.

This week was back to school for Term 4...the last term for the school year in Australia.  Back to college this week after a two week break but I only had one week as the first week I had a module to finish off and do my first aid training. 

I started my work experience this week.  I had two days of attending to a year one class.  After discussions with other students yesterday it seems I am the only one with the most hours of working and shorter breaks. I work 6 hours per day! I only have half an hour break per day which suits me fine as I used to it from other occupations.  Most of the time I feel that is all I really need! Even at college we only get half an hour at lunchtime. Sadly I don't eat much during the break because I am a slow eater!

Our curriculum sure has changed since my school days. In the classroom this week the students were learning about English procedure (ie how to write one).  Do you know what that is? I was more surprise to see the juniors are learning this. I thought this assessment would suit high school students more. When I mentioned to afew people at work (at the shop) they were surprised too.  One person said these students will be doing university work by the time they hit senior primary (ie year 6).

Better go as I have an assessment to do and finish off my module this weekend. My assessment work is to create a bookmark (with an educational note on it)  This week we were learning about supporting students with literacy skills.  Next week will be about numeracy. 

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Goodbye Winter!!

It's now the start of spring season here in Australia.  Well I wouldn't actually say its true spring as some areas of Queensland had summer temperatures during the day.  While Hobart (capital city of Tasmania) has snow!!  Go figure! Would be nice if we had more rain as it's very dry here over winter. Our grass is brown!  And I heard we might be a drought season again!! could say I have neglected my blog as it has been 2-3 months since I last posted.  Only because I have been busy!!  Besides normal commitments I am enrolled to study a course in Brisbane. I'm now studying Certificate 3 in Education Support since August. It means I would like to become a teacher aide in schools.  It's only a 20 week course which means I must complete a module per week. I have face to face training once a week and complete the module at home within a week. Field Placement will commenced after the school holidays and have regular visits for experience and assessment for one term. Hopefully it will be enough to be employed next year!

The highlight of July would be my grand daughter!  She turned one! Her parents hosted a party at their old home address (they have moved again since) with a lot of family members and close friends. They had relatives as far as Grafton who attended the occasion.

My grand daughter started to walk before her first birthday.  She loves adventure!!  She never sits down long enough!!  She started attending day care recently.  She goes two days per week and seems to enjoy attending and making new friends.

Better go and get organised for tomorrow's college. I have learnt forth module and tomorrow's module will be about Diverse People. We have been asked to bring in a plate from our cultural backgrounds. I'm sticking to something sweet and Aussie. We had five generations born in Australia now. 

Have a good evening! 

Thursday, 29 June 2017

June report

Where does each month go?  Can't believe the first month of winter is just about over.  Next month our stamp club will celebrate Xmas in July but I can't be there as my daughter has a medical appointment on the same day. It involves her ligament on her foot. She has been wearing a mini moonboot for the past two months in hoping the ligament has progressed. Our Ipswich club will have a Xmas in July theme too but guess what? I can't be there either as my grand daughter's party will be on.  Families do come first!!
I am slowly getting back into the swings of things.  Over the weekend I was busy sorting out one box of scrap papers into more an organised order.  I can't believe it taken me a whole day to sort out just one box.  I still have another three boxes to go!! Might get into another box this weekend as I don't have anything else on until 16th July. A craft friend of mine yesterday suggested to buy a filing box (which I have seen at Officeworks last night) to file each snap locked bags into the box.  I like her idea which I will go back to Officeworks at next payday and buy one for under $35.
I had a busy month with attending to craft workshops.  I had one weekend retreat of scrapbooking, and eight day workshops involving papercrafting.  Either I am working on scrapbooking pages or swaps.  After my grand daughter's party I plan on starting to create her baby album.  I have the items purchased or given to me and sketch afew ideas on what to create on each page.  The album was given to me where you just add photos and journaling so it will be easier to complete at an all day workshop or camp. Printing out photos will take some time.  Normally I do a lot at home but this time I will get the photos done at Officeworks to save me extra costs on printer ink.  The ink costs more then the printer!!
I have been working at the boutique store for almost two months now. It's been good and the boss has got me to be in charge of my area now and I trained the new staff who come in. Last two weeks have been full on.  It's been that busy (as its now EOFY sales are on) I don't get a lunch break even. By the time I get home in the afternoon I am tired and hungry.
Enjoy your month of July!

Friday, 2 June 2017

Goodbye Autumn!

WOW! It's hard to believe half the year is almost over.  In Australia we are now coming into winter and boy haven't I felt the change of weather for the past two days, especially at sunrise and later at night. 
Last month I had a couple of changes.  Firstly I cancelled my course because I wasn't getting anywhere with the field placement venue.  The college supposedly refund me (by crediting method) which I am still waiting on. My trainee suggested to re enrol but find a venue first.  That's what I have worked on for months and months! Thought about working with under 5 this time as little kids seem to like me more then school age. I hope my grand daughter doesn't act the same once she starts school in five years time. She turns 1 next month!  She started to walk afew steps by herself now.
I started volunteer work at a boutique store in the valley last month. I go in two days a week to sort out incoming of deliveries to be placed on shelves. This week my duties expanded:  train new workers with the routine and do the bookwork. Luckily for me I had experience with book keeping from the family business ten years ago. My boss is very impress with my job duties!  I am hoping to stay there for at least six months to gain work experience for my resume. I was told today to add the details on my resume and use my boss for a reference.  
What's your plan for this weekend?  I should continue with spring cleaning at home.  It's a slow progress as I haven't been home much of late. Also I got some scrapbooking preparation to do as I have a craft retreat on next weekend.
Better go as I have a couple of TV shows to catch up on.  I recorded earlier this week while I was absent from home.  On Wednesday night I was at a live footy game up the road and last night I was at my daughter's house until 9pm. Have a good weekend! 

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Start of Term 2

Its hard to believe its now the forth day into May already. Mother's Day will be held on 14th May.  It will be Monique's first Mother's Day experience with Krystal (aged 9 months).  I have organised a breakfast buffet at the footy club that morning from 8am to 10am.  Its the basic hot continental breakfast which I am sure everyone will enjoy for $15 each. So what are you going to do for your mum on Mother's Day?
The kids had their two week break over Easter and now back for term 2.  We had two public holidays:  Anzac Day (25 April) and Labour Day (1 May). The next public holiday won't be until August when Brisbane has the EKKA (ie carnival) on for ten days. I haven't been to the EKKA for afew years now. The only thing I like about the EKKA are the Exhibit displays, showbags and the showground arena of activities.  The sideshow alley (ie rides) are the thing of the past for me.  The entrance fees doesn't include rides.

Easter has been and gone for another year!  How was your Easter? On Good Friday we had a fish and chips picnic near the local beach. It was quiet a popular spot there over Easter.  On Saturday we went to shopping, attend to the Easter Mass at church and had dinner at the footy club.  On Easter Sunday we spent the day with Monique and her family.  It was Krystal's first Easter and didn't she loved chocolate!!! On Monday I spent the afternoon with my parents.

Since then I basically been busy with loads of appointments and job interviews.  Do you think I was the lucky candidate? NO WAY!!  No one is giving me a chance to enter their front entrance.  Its very hard to find employment for someone like me with very limited experience. Most jobs now prefer a qualification of some sort.  Supposedly completed my Diploma by now but I can't finish it because of the field placement drama.  No one wants to spend extra time to supervise a student. Children's Services is a very competitive industry in Australia!  I have been looking for three years to work in any OSHC centres  (ie state or private sector).  I am sure I have applied to nearly every centre in Brisbane by now without any success.

I think its now time for a new change.  Last week I looked into volunteer work with animals this time. I sent two applications to 2 centres to do volunteer work day one a week for three months. With one company I will have to do an induction day before I can start in June. The other centre I have to call in person to see how it works, etc which I will have to call in very soon.

Better go and get organised to go up to the hospital to visit my friend again. I had to send him to the public hospital emergency at 2:30am on Tuesday morning as he had a high fever, very close to 40.  He has round 2 of this mystery virus again. All he gets is high fevers and cold sweats for days. He went to the doctor last week and got blood and urine tests done.  Nothing came up out of the
ordinary!  The doctors are so puzzled with this one. The hospital doctor quoted:  "His body is not letting any secrets out to why he is ill".  He seems to have his mother's gene. When she gets ill, the doctors can never find the problem to why it is happening.

When I was up there yesterday he was starting to get better after a course of antibodies via drip. If he continues to have temps back to normal he should go home before weekend.

Until next blog post:  have a good spring/autumn season!

Thursday, 6 April 2017

Goodbye Term One

WOW!  Where is this year going?  Term one just ended last week but most schools closed early due to tropical cyclone Debbie hit the upper north coast of mainland and Whitsunday Islands last week. After Debbie downgraded to a tropical low, the cell moved down the Queensland coast into northern NSW.  Brisbane was hit with heavy rain and gusty winds on Thursday night. Logan was the hardest hit with floodwaters which I think most of the water came from Gold Coast Hinterland.  Lower areas in Brisbane copped the floodwaters for only a short time.  Debbie is still around but the low has now hit in New Zealand. I saw on the news today they are getting floods now.

Its currently the first week of school holidays and of course it isn't a good start for people who were affected by TC Debbie.  Most places had no power or water for a week! I seen on Facebook that some person complained about no bread or milk!  For crying out loud, stop thinking about yourself!  There are people out there don't have a home to go back too!!

As I had said earlier term one has ended.  Ten weeks of my life was just the same old routine with normal commitments.  Sadly my friend's father had passed away last month.  The funeral was held eight days later on a rainy day.  My friend's father was well known by many people who worked with him or hobbies commitments.  Also he was involved in RSL club so a special service was completed at church.  The funeral was 90 minutes long!! The church had a roof wet leak so I was getting wet for most of the service.  Luckily it was summer still!!!

Better go as I have a meowing cat to deal with and dinner to make.  Have a good month!

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Goodbye Summer

Hard to believe yesterday supposedly be the last of summer but I don't think it will end for QLD just yet.  Storms have been forecast for this week but we don't seem to be getting any as yet. Guess the weather man will eventually get the prediction right!! 

I was in Ipswich yesterday for a craft day with friends and I noticed good storm clouds were brewing out SW. While heading home towards the highway, I spotted how good the lightening was near the mountains.  I don't know how far the storm went but it didn't seem to follow me home to Brisbane.

This month was a busy month for me!  Besides animal sitting for a couple of days as the owner was absent, I am supporting my friend who is dealing with his terminally ill father who quality of life is going downhill fast as he is riddled with two brain tumours and now cancer in parts of his organs. This patient (aged 80) has been in palliative care for the past week. Very weak, frail and bed ridden!!  The family are trying to spend a lot of time with him but the patient feels frustrated most of the time dealing with his family fussing over him.  I only been up once to see him briefly on the weekend. Majority of the time the patient wants to sleep which is more likely the best thing for the patient right now.
I have managed to scrapbook afew pages at craft workshops this month.  I had attended to three all day meets in Brisbane and Ipswich.  The one in Ipswich was a hot day (43 degrees) which most of us didn't stay the full day.  The meet in March has been cancelled as most people will be away on a craft retreat that weekend.  I have been invited to a retreat in July for a lot less in cost then to other venues.  This one costs only $300 for 5 days.  We can do any craft projects we wish to please to do!! I will see how things go for the next couple of months before I make my final decision. 
My grand-daughter is now 7 months old.  She is crawling, sit up, hold the bottle by herself and now trying to feed herself with a spoon.  We think she might become an early walker as she is trying to stand up now.
Better go as I have to get organised for today's plans.  I have an appointment to attend to at lunchtime then a 4 hour trip to Hervey Bay this afternoon to spend two days with all of my girls. I haven't seen my youngest daughter since NYE!!  Have a good month!


Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Goodbye 2016! Hello 2017!!

Welcome 2017! And we are already half way into January.  After spending over 2 weeks stay at my bf's house I finally went home last week to do the normal...job hunting and so on. I have two job interviews this week, related to the work I am interested in.  Wish me luck!!

When I am at home I have been following summer tennis on TV.  This week Australian Open in Melbourne had started. Afew Aussies lost after first round!

First craft workshop was held on 8th January.  It was more to do your own projects which I was busy playing around with my scrap supplies.  Just recently purchased a new backpack on wheels.  I thought this would be ideal and teach me to pack more lighter when going to workshops. My regular Tuesday meets resumed today but I couldn't go as I had three appointments to attend.  The last one was the job interview which happened three hours ago!! I won' t know until this Friday if I was the successful applicant or not. 
Where the job interview had taken place, a public pool was next door!  Consider how hot today was and walked a km to get to and from the interview venue I was attempted to go to the public pool and jump in...clothes and all after the interview!!

My Sunday league resumes back this week.  We have afew new members joining our league.  We will be bowling for 47 weeks and then have our break up party after. We will have our first social event next month.  It's more to get to know our new members.

This month I managed to see two recent movies at the cinema. I watched Red Dog with my bf and SING with my daughter. Next month 50 shades darker will be on and I can't wait to see it.  Has anyone read the book series??
Does anyone have any new year resolutions?  I have afew thoughts but I learnt not to share because 9/10 I don't intend to stick by them.
Have a great 2017!  Sadly for one family I don't think it will be a good year as my bf's father is terminally ill with two brain tumours. It was diagnosed on NYE!! The old fella was very sick over Christmas but couldn't see the doctor until the public holidays ended after Christmas. Its a very aggressive tumour and the doctor wasn't hopeful for a good outcome.  The patient is currently getting radiation treatment for extra quality time with the family. The doctor was only giving him six weeks!!! They think he might suffer a stroke in the end because of where these tumours are.  He already lost his hearing!!!  He turned 80 last week!!! Very sad indeed!  He is a lovely guy who loves his family!!