Wednesday, 4 March 2015

February report

Goodness me! Where is this year going? It's now the forth day into march already. If my belated Nanna was still on earth she would of turned 105 today.
Australia supposedly have the start of autumn season now. It might be for some states of the country but not for SE QLD. We are forecast to have high 30s temperature for tomorrow. I don't know how global our weather report goes but Central QLD did experienced a tropical cyclone two weeks ago. A category 5 hit Shoalwater bay and Yeppoon at breakfast time. As it downgraded to a tropical low the storm cell moved south to the border. All we had was rain for a couple of days.
February was a busy month with normal commitments. Also Managed to see two new released movies at the cinema with my male friend. We had seen jupiters ascending and 50 shades of grey. I started to read the first book of 50 shades too.
Bowling has been going well lately. My team is currently in top place. My daughter and I bowl together now as the previous team mate ditched me on the first night back in January. Both my daughter and I had star of the week rewards last month too.
Last week I enrolled to study a certificate course thru a private tertiary institute in the city. I met to start at home this week but my first module hasn't arrived via post as yet. OMG! I hope my mail hasn't gone to Sydney instead if Brisbane. All the years my family lived at this address our mail intends to travel the country side.
All the best for a happy and healthy start of autumn or spring for northern hemisphere readers.