Thursday, 1 May 2014

April report

Where did April go?  Like always I have been busy being a single parent and attending to regular events and places each week.  The only difference with me is I now wear reading glasses. I had trouble reading my SMS from my mobile phone and instructions on most items.

Still job hunting regularly but I think I will start studying soon. I have got the paperwork to fill out. I plan on studying children's service certificate/s.  Just I need to find a suitable field placement to attend weekly at a school (to do out of school hours and vacation care).  This was the area I worked in before Monique was born.

Was introduced to Close to my Heart. It's another paper crafting company from US that is based on stamping and scrapbooking.  Like Creative Memories you have a consultant to buy products from and attend to workshops.  I have met three consultants and attend to workshops with two consultants.  One consultant has regular workshops on some Wednesdays each month, 3 all day meets per year and one camp. The next camp is held on the long weekend in June.  And I am going!  I paid in full yesterday!! Consultant number 2 host only Sunday workshops once a month. Consultant 3 hosts all day meets once very two months.

Where did term one of schooling went? Going by Rachel's mid term report card she settled in very well at her new school.  Parent Teacher interviews occur next Tuesday evening which I plan on attending, just to meet the face to the name of her teachers.  I already met a couple of her teachers in term one when I attended to their school events.  Monique's report card arrived before the holidays (I think) but I didn't see a copy until school holidays.  She had perfect attendance but her grades could be better!  Majority of her subjects are a pass but one subject is the lowest I have ever seen on her report card.  I won't go more into details about this matter as I'm not happy with her father as it is.

Yesterday Rachel's school had their annual cross country event after lunch. Rachel came 16th.  I am not 100% sure when the districts are on but I take it isn't too far away at all.  A good thing about yesterday it wasn't raining or too hot to run with the sunshine inside the clouds. The course was 3.2 kms and the students ran behind the school and local streets.  Rachel said they had two hills to run up and down which I think this course would of tied her out.  She did collapse at the finishing line!

Term one of school ended on 4th April.  The students had two weeks of school holidays before Easter.  We didn't do much as Monique became very ill with glandular fever.  I had to take her to the doctors afew times while her father was at work.  At the time of leaving her home address for one appointment, she fell down the stairs and sprained her ankle. In between dealing with her and her health crisis, I managed to have one afternoon for Rachel to go social bowling with afew friends of ours. I wanted to go to the movies but she didn't want to see the same movies I wanted to see.

It's now the first day of May and the second month into autumn but we might be in for an early winter as BOM predicts a cold start this weekend. On 15th April we had the lunar eclipse seen in our eastern sky.  Rachel and I went up to Mt Coot-tha lookout to view the moon.  Like me, half of Brisbane thought of the same idea to pick the best spot to view.  I parked my car about 1 km away from the lookout!

How was your Easter?  I was away over Easter with a friend, stayed at a friend's apartment on the Gold Coast for three nights.  It was worthwhile to be away to relax, do abit of sight seeing and beach walks at night.  One night we had seen the moon rise late on the ocean's horizon.  I was amazed how big and orange the half moon was. Only three days before we had the lunar eclipse which wasn't as big to see that night.  Actually we were lucky to see it as there was abit of cloud cover too that night. Channel 9's weatherman was at the lookout and he done the weather report live that night.

On Tuesday afternoon we had the solar eclipse but Brisbane wouldn't of seen it because we had clouds about.  Going by the afternoon news on TV, it seems Perth might of had the best view of seeing the solar eclipse as they showed the sun changes on TV.  Because I was driving the car that afternoon I had to tell Rachel not to look at the sun.  It was harder for me too because the sun was more in the way while driving to Pizza Hut for takeaway Pizza.

Better go as I have a craft swap to finish off.  Have a good month!