Friday, 24 February 2012

Just a normal week

Good afternoon to my readers and followers!  How was your week?  It was just another normal week for me to do my normal commitment stuff but I am looking forward to going out tomorrow for dinner and a movie with a friend in Brisbane.  The movie we are going to see is "This Means War".  Have any of you have seen it?  Going by previews it looks to be a good action movie, worth seeing..
It's now half way into term one for school age kids and it seems going by their school newsletters and informal assemblies, they have been busy settling down with the new national curriculum program.  I have heard from many sources that alot of parents aren't happy with this new system. To our Australian parents, are you happy with it? How are your kids coping with the new changeover?
Has your kids school getting their school photos taken this term?  How much is their package deals? The high school students had their school photos taken yesterday.  For just for a basic package, it's now cost $35. What a rip off! The primary school will have their school photos done next month. I wonder how much their package deal will be?
The primary school decided to introduce a new reading program for kids who needs to boost up with their reading skills.  I had received an email yesterday from the HOC person to let me know my daughter has been invited to attend to any of four morning sessions before school starts. They provided the students with breakfast too. I am not sure how this will work for my 11 yo daughter as she isn't a morning person and doesn't like to read either. Guess I will have to think of an excellent incentive reward for her to do this program at school, otherwise she will never get her reading level boosted.
Yesterday my Dad went to a hospital clinic to have his colonoscopy procedure done.  To anyone who had one done, would know what my own Dad had to go through beforehand.  This procedure was organised by his GP about two weeks ago because my Dad went to see him about stomach pains.  I was amazed how alert my Dad was when he phoned me at 5pm yesterday.  Apparently the procedure went well and the only thing they found was one polyp which a biopsy was done to see if this polyp is cancerous or not. It will be a week before we find out this biopsy result.
What's on your agenda for this weekend?  We will be back to living at the bowling alley again as my 13 yo daughter is back to entering tournaments again.  She bowls four games this Sunday morning in a three man team to be played with other a bowling centre, east of Brisbane.  Her goal this year is to bowl more 200 games at tournaments. WIsh her luck! 
Better go as I think I spent too much time with modern technology this morning.  
Have a good weekend everyone!  

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Quiet week

Hi followers!  How's your week being going so far?  Last week I was recovering from a mild injury to my neck that happened at bowling.  Basically I was more at home resting and following the return of TV shows.  Has anyone started to watch the new TV show titled REVENGE?  It's on Monday nights after My Kitchen Rules.

Right now we are experiencing another storm passing over from Greenbank with heavy rain, light hail stones and lots of loud thunder heading east. We had a brief storm passing over at around 4am today. Lately we had afew storms passing over but we have been lucky not to been strike severely.  There was one storm last week that was good.  After the cell passed on over us, this cell tensified to more a dangerous cell which happened to hit the primary school.  I heard on Friday's assembly one of the classroom's lost their roof because of the impact of the rainfall fell in such a short time.  I was told the roof collapsed into the classroom but the teacher still managed to keep teaching her class on the following day.

Looks like I need to call a repair person to come over and fix my air conditioner because there is a problem with it that was discovered this morning after school drop offs.  It's doing something it shouldn't be doing.  Hopefully it won't be a huge expense to fix otherwise we will have to survive without the a/c for sometime. 

Enjoy the rest of this week!

Sunday, 12 February 2012

A Sad Day

Another weekend is just about over. How was your weekend?  Most of my weekend was spent at home, catching up on things to do around here and going to bowling leagues. 

Parts of SE QLD might of had a good storm last night but where I live we only just had little rain for a short time after 9pm. But the weather sure is humid today!  It was around mid 20's at 6:30am when I was out on my morning walk before breakfast this morning.  Apparently another possible storm has been forecast this afternoon.  Not really a good time to happen as I have plans on being out tonight.

Unfortunately Sunday isn't a good start for the entertainment world. If you haven't heard as yet, I am sure you will hear from some form of media source that Whitney Houston has passed away. It was quite a shock for me when I first heard through my local radio station about an hour ago. Not all details has been issued to what happened but I am sure within the next 24 hours all information will be known to the world.  I can remember her when she sang and acted in the movie "THE BODYGUARD".  I loved that movie! RIP Whitney!

Friday, 10 February 2012

Primary School events

Hi everyone!  How was your week?  I had a busy week with afew events on during school hours.  I was the star of the week for both leagues at bowling this week.
We had our first P and C meeting for the year on Tuesday night.  This meeting was two hours long as there was a couple of issues brought up.  It seems one parent is interested in seeing the school going more climate smart by installing solar panels.  I thought it was impossible to do but apparently it's starting to get common in schools now.  The schools can apply for grants to have them installed for $50 000 and it should last around 30 years.  Not sure if the school principal and other P and C members like this idea but they are going to look into further before they apply for grants. If the grant is successful and the installation goes ahead, it probably won't happen until after Rachel's graduates at the end of this year. 
This week all the teachers hosted their parent information session which I heard alot of parents attend to hear what their child's teacher had to annouce about the new national curriculum, homework and behaviour expedition for 20-30 minutes.  I was five minutes late so I didn't hear what the curriculum was about.
This morning Rachel's class had their first SWPBS performance at conclusion of their weekly assembly.  The mini song and dance was about how to engage in learning.  It was cute and at the same time funny to see how the year 7s perform to a modern 21st song.
Time to go and get some beauty sleep as I will have a busy Saturday morning. 
Have a good weekend! 

Sunday, 5 February 2012

January report

Hi everyone! How's the start of 2012 has been for you?  I can't believe it's already the fifth day into February.  I have a feeling this year will be a good year for me. 
My goal for this year is to lose some weight.  So far I have lost 5 kgs by simply changing my food intake, use my new AB pro circle exercise and walk for 90 minutes daily.
School holidays over summer went very fast. The girls spent half of their holidays at their Grandma's.  I am sure they had a great time in Hervey Bay.  Other half of their holidays was spent at home or going out to the shops, friends, bowling or to the cinema.  We managed to see about a dozen new release movies. 
The kids are now back to school for two weeks now after their six week break.  I think they are happy to be back at school as they seem to settled down quite well with new teachers.  Unfortunately the weather was a wet one for them in the first week back. I hope tomorrow's weather will be a great one as the high school will host their annual swimming carnival.  I am planning on attending to watch Monique compete in her events.  She has been practicing alot at home in our pool.
All our bowling leagues are now back into action. Both Frank and I resumed back into our leagues with the same team mates from last year.  The kids only just resume back when school started.  Rachel bowls after school on Fridays and Monique stayed in the same league on Saturday mornings.  Looks like she might be involved into two monthly tournaments this year.  Both have teams with four games each but played at different centres throughout SE QLD.  But there is two months where their matches is going to be played in Northern NSW.
Guess that is all to report for the first month of January.
    Best wishes for a good month of February.

A great week

Good morning followers and readers!  How was your week?  I could say I had a memorable week worth remembering.  Besides my normal commitments, I caught up with a friend, went to the movies once and attended to one scrap workshop on Friday night. 

This weekend basically been spending it more at home trying to catch up on things to do around here.  Frank has been busy renovating the driveway.  He got rid of the concrete and change the driveway to create more of a gravel dirt base at present time.  It will be interesting to see how long this method will last as we have cats in our community.  I am sure they will enjoy using our new driveway as one big litter box. 

I had a surprise parcel arriving at my doorstep.  It turns out I won another online scrap challenge.  These challenges happen monthly and I wasn't expecting to win the second time in a row.  That reminds me I will have to enter another one for this month. I already completed this page, just I need to scan the layout and add the photo to the required address.

The kids have been back at school for two weeks already.  Tomorrow the high school will host their annual swimming carnival.  I plan on attending to watch Monique compete in some of their swimming events. Wish her luck! 

This term she signed up to play Junior Netball for their school's interschool sport on Tuesday afternoons. I had to pay the fees on Friday morning as the sport will start on Tuesday week.

At the primary school the teachers will host their parent information session after school. The purpose of these sessions is to share with the parents (who attend)on the goals of teaching methods for the year. Being a new year with the national curriculum, it will be interesting to hear what the teacher announces because I have heard through the grapevine how the teachers are teaching students this year.  It seems the good old blackboard days are long over! Rachel's teacher will host her session on Wednesday afternoon.  On Friday her class will do their SWPBS performance at the conclusion of their weekly assembly.

Well...whatever plans you got for this year, have a good week!